Hi, and welcome to freshsqueezedlactation.com , The website is underway, Like a New Mother itself its going to grow, Stay with us as we undertake this journey with you!
We will offer the Mother / Mother to Be, a host of information and help
Run By Medically Trained , Qualified and Experienced Professional's, with Decades of Tried Tested and Proven Techniques and the Knowledge that has come with Helping Thousands of Families.
Here to Help you with that magical Mother / Baby Bond, Helping you to understand and connect with your baby, and your baby to you!
Help for you to Manage your time , whilst keeping your baby Fed and Happy
But also Helping you to make time for YOU, and still doing everything you want and need to do - Like for example, Can I really do All in the picture at once? In the Most, YES, , and unfortunately you need 3 Hours after that Beer! before feeding baby, or expressing your milk. Because you have baby, does Not mean you still cannot have a life of your won
We Can Help with making Feeding More comfortable
For Both Baby and You
When Do you need to Feed? When has baby Had Enough? Is baby getting Enough? Am I producing Enough? all these questions and more can be overwhelming for the first time mother , We have Been there, as both Mothers and Professionals, and we are here to help you!
We will help you with all of the things you have heard about Breastfeeding , the Good, the Bad, and the plain Myth's - Trust Us, to tell you the Real facts , and help you move forwards with knowledge and confidence