Pump and…Dump?

Hot topic filled with myths!

What am I supposed to eat?

  • The quality of your milk will be fine, regardless of what you choose
  • Your body pulls whatever nutrients your baby needs
  • Eat what you enjoy and everything in moderation
  • Whole foods are going to be best
  • Go for as unprocessed as possible
  • While milk supply is based on the demand, it can diminish if you’re too depleted in food or fluid. You also don’t want to be facing a nutritional deficit of vitamins, minerals, protein, etc. so aim to consume nutrient dense foods and about 500 extra calories a day.
  • You’re healing and your milk is providing all of baby’s calories for growth
  • It’s not time to “diet.”

What about the foods/herbs that are supposed to help produce milk?

  • AKA galactagogues, these include oatmeal, and brewer’s yeast (it’s where the old advice to drink a beer came from - but you can get it in the baking aisle now).
  • Herbs such as fenugreek and blessed thistle have mixed reviews.
  • Please check with an IBCLC first before buying stock in “lactation cookies” because there may be something else going on.

What foods to avoid?

  • Nothing has to be avoided
  • Advised to limit inflammatory foods such as dairy, gluten, ultra processed, sodas, and things with added sugar or zero nutritional value.

What about alcohol?

  • Adult beverages can be enjoyed and continue to safely breastfeed
  • Pay attention to amount and timing!
  • Women metabolize one drink every 2-3 hours
  • Nurse first
  • Limit yourself to one regular sized drink (no fishbowl or foot-tall margaritas)
  • Ok to resume nursing or pumping with baby’s next feed in 2-3 hours


  • Best to ask an Lactation Consultant first before heavily using herbs or herbal teas.
  • Sage is known to decrease milk supply so use caution on how much poultry seasoning, especially around turkey type holidays.

Peppermint is suspected to be a problem too.

llegal drugs

  • Contraindicated with breastfeeding
  • They all cross into milk
  • Can have severe health consequences to you and baby.
  • Both milk and baby can test positive up to 2 weeks after marijuana/THC exposure
  • There are protocols for breastfeeding when mom is in addiction treatment.

Rx Medications-

Legally, I need to mention you should ask your healthcare provider before taking any medications while breastfeeding

  • The vast majority of medications are either ok for breastfeeding or have a safe alternative.
  • The pediatrician or your doctor may tell you to stop breastfeeding
  • Find out what reference they are using
  • Dr. Hale’s Medications and Mother’s Milk is the go-to; the same resource can be accessed through www.infantrisk.com, by calling 1-806-352-2519
https://www.halesmeds.com (Subscription Service)
Call 1-806-352-2519